Beam Right In!

A scoundrel specimen collector with two ray guns and some tentacles is about to show a dying planet just how little it cares about your life, while laughing all the way to the intergalactic bank. 

What's Going on Again?

Freeze the native lifeforms and slap a transport order on them to beam them back to your ship. The Sawbots are harvesting the planet too, so you'll need several tentacle slaps to take them out. Or, if you are so inclined, avoid them by using your Fire Ray to cut through the walls of the cave, or jump, wall slide, and wall jump your way around them, it's up to you!

Oh, and I forgot about the whole impending doom. Your ship's engineer is getting nervous, and they'll likely jump the ship out at any time just to save their own tentacles. Of course, if you offer a bribe of one of those delicious specimens you've collected, you can buy yourself just a little bit more time. If you are not careful around the sawblades, however, your engineer isn't going to wait around for your inevitable failure. Not for free anyway. 

Good luck, and comment with your high score!

Don't Let Beaming Disorient You, Get Your Bearings Below

This will work in a variety of ways, and I can suggest using the layout below, especially if you are not playing in Full Screen Mode. In full screen mode, the game plays well on the Steam controller as suggested below. 

ControlBrowserFull Screen
Input MethodKeyboard + MouseKeyboard
Tentacle SlapLeft ClickRight Shift
Freeze RayRight ClickLeft Ctrl
Fire RayMiddle MouseLeft Alt
Sell Mushroom (while Paused)EnterEnter
Sell Lifeform (while Paused)SpaceSpace

This does work with a controller in desktop mode, full screen. Minimal button remapping. (Steam controller only needs the right arrow [start] button remapped to  ` for a smooth controller experience.)


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